The characteristics of the activity generated in a forum type informatics setting


  • John Antonio Trujillo Vargas Área de Informática Educativa. Universidad EAFIT. Medellín, Colombia
  • Neus Sanmartí Departament de Didà ctica de la Matemà tica i de les Ciències Experimentals. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra, España



new pedagogical approaches, implementation and systems for the innovative use of technology in higher education, virtual forums, the theory of activity, the social construction of knowledge, processes of interaction in processes of teaching/learning


This research (Trujillo, 2004) analyses situations of exchange of arguments, questions, synthesis and other types ofcontribution within an instrument that has a "forum" type design used in a partial distance / partial face-to-face course onBioclimatic Architecture. The objective was to identify and understand didactic aspects that should be used in a forumtype technological mediation so that a group of students could interact with the purpose of constructing a significantknowledge with respect to a learning object.The results showed that at the beginning of the forum, the questions asked were essentially of an explorative nature inorder to determine what the exact objective was. By the end more historical feedback was being received and there wasmore verification and relating of the different interventions. Interventions on regulation predominated, mainly betweenteacher and students, and to a much lesser extent between the students themselves. It was also shown that the processesof student interaction were very teacher-orientated and essentially tended to respond to the proposals guided by theteacher intervention. However, there were plenty of contributions that were indirectly stimulated by the otherinterventions.


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