Una propuesta de capacitación docente basada en el uso de un software de geometría dinámica


  • Sara Scaglia
  • Marcela Götte




teacher training, software, dynamic geometry


In this work we describe a proposal of teacher training in the use of a software of dynamic geometry. This use entails a reflection around some aspects of the teaching of the geometry like the teachers’ performance in the classroom and the characteristics of the knowledge that the student constructs that differ from the correspondents to a more traditional treatment. 

Some theoretical reflections are described, related to the use in class of a software of this type, and some proposed activities are present, as well as the activity designed for the accreditation of the course. In addition, the results are analyzed in the light of the theoretical considerations. 

The dynamic representation that exhibits the software of dynamic geometry and the autonomy of action that it promotes justify a reflection around its use that must be considered in the initial and permanent formation of the teachers of mathematics.


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