Experimentation and learning: an analysis from discourse progressiveness
Experimentación; Aula real; Análisis del discurso, Progresividad del DiscursoAbstract
In this paper we present a case study in which we analyze the social mechanism that generates discursive progressiveness in a Physics classroom. Through this progressiveness, students advance in the construction of a Common Semantic Structure (CSS). Our research deals with the role an experiment plays in the social mechanism of progressiveness. The analysis in our case study shows us that the experiment is an artifact that can strongly influence the discursive dynamics in the classroom. In the case analyzed, it operates as an element that fixes a part of the CSS. Prior to the experiment, students discuss what will happen to a particular physical system, as well as why that will happen. Once the experiment is done, there is no more discussion about what will happen. However, students need to reach a new consensus about why it happens. We believe that our work provides information about the conditions under which an experiment is relevant to concept learning.
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