Learning representations of teaching students. Design and validation of an instrument to measure implicit learning conceptions in mathematics teaching students.
conceptions, learning, mathematics, teaching studentsAbstract
Teaching is always based on some conception of learning and a large part of learning is influenced by the ways that teachers perceive the course subject and the expectations about the learners. Research has shown that teachers and teaching students have different learning conceptions from those which are formally included in university courses. These predominant ideas are mostly implicit and different from the explicit conceptions. The goals of this work were to assess the reliability and validity of an instrument to measure implicit learning conceptions in university mathematic teaching students and to describe their content. Methodology: it was conducted a cross-sectional study of the variable “conceptions about learning ", with two dimensions and three categories for analysis. The instrument was adapted from the Dilemmas Questionnaire of Martin et al (2004) and was applied to 75 students. Statistical analysis included Cronbach´s Alpha for testing reliability and Factorial Analysis for testing construct validity. The content of learning conceptions was discussed from the direct, interpretative and constructive domain theories.
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